What a great way to teach young and old about this part of Biblical history, by celebrating Purim year after year. (Just one year won't do.)
Bro.Dave (Mordecai) reading the Megillah
Shlomit, the Shoe-shine's wife, with Chaim again, the littlest Shushan shoe-shine.
King Ahasuerus, Shushan Seamstress, and Nehemiah, the king's cup-bearer.
Shushan Court Jester and the Palace Cat (she thought it was a "purring" party).
Another Queen Esther leaning against her mother, and a few more Mordecais.
In the background is the Myrrh maid who helps with the beauty treatments, and on the right are the the carrot and rabbit from the palace gardens.
Mrs. Olive Alongtime (91), one of the women who prayed and fasted for the queen.
And the hamentashen! Totally delicious! Made by Claire, Cara, and Anja (or Queen Vashti, the Court Jester, and the Palace Cat)