Monday, October 29, 2012

Hanukkah books have arrived!!

The day we've been waiting for has arrived!  1,000 copies of our Hanukkah picture book, Hanukkah is Great, were delivered to our garage last week.  The book was begun almost 3 years ago, and the children who posed for the various scenes have grown up a lot since then.  Christine McParland, our illustrator, was still a student at Wheaton College when she began working on the paintings.  She has since graduated.  And the line in the book that says, "Just think, by next Hanukkah, Lael and Sarah will be married!"  is a bit out of date.  Lael and Sarah are married and now have a son of their own named Chaim.  We dedicated the book to Chaim and to our other grandchildren yet to be born.

We cleaned out the garage, making room for the new shipment of books, the day before they were scheduled to arrive.  On the big day of the delivery, we had a medical emergency involving David's mother. So we thank Betty's sister Linda and her husband Don for coming to our house and accepting the delivery of the books. 


We also thank Zach Marks for updating our website (now that Lael and Joel are no longer close enough to do things like that for us). You can see Zach on the piano in the picture above.  (Notice some of our Feast of Tabernacles decorations are still up as we celebrated this New Moon on Oct. 16.  We kept them up so Joel could see them, as he missed the Feast of Tabernacles, but was home for Fall Break a week later.)  We are so happy we obtained Zach's services just 2 weeks before the predicted date of the birth of Zach and Katie's first baby! 

There are so many people to thank that we can't mention them all. But we especially thank the Lord for seeing us through this project and allowing it to come to completion. Now the job we have is to spread the word about the book and ship out orders.  We'd appreciate your help in prayers and also in spreading the word about this book to your friends, congregations, local libraries, homeschool co-ops, and local Christian schools and bookstores.

For those of you who have pre-ordered and live a distance away, your books will be mailed soon.  For those who live close by, you're welcome to pick them up from our garage whenever you can.  For those of you who want to order the book, you can now do it on our updated website   It's also available on Amazon. 

And thank you all, our dear family and friends in the Lord, for your prayers, support and interest in this project.  God bless you.